We’ve awaited them for so long, that many of us in SEO forgot they has promised to publish some guidelines for that they look at on a website. But late last week Bing released their SEO Guidelines.
For a long time Google has given some decent guidance on what it looks at and why, it’s not 100% complete but it never could be given all search algo’s change on a daily basis. But the is a good starting point for all SEO’s to build off, regardless of website type.
So how does Bing compare?
When I first look at the guidelines from Bing I thought it was some kind of joke.
The guidelines are so generic and unhelpful that I struggle to see why they exist, and why we waited so long for these. Don’t get me wrong I’m not a Bing search hater, I use it to search from time to time and really enjoy Bing webmaster tools – I am pretty many SEO’s would agree BWT combined with GWT is an awesome pairing.
This said, Bing does offer some in-depth guidance through its webmaster FAQs PDF (download here).
In their announcement, Bing admitted the guidelines were “broad” but did encompass a lot of information in general, at the same time they announced a number of webinars (including Q&A’s) would be ran, and of course guidelines updated as needed.
img by techwyse