Happy Birthday to Us!

Today (25th Sept) is our birthday.

That’s right this online venture is officially one year old (ok so officially AK Designs is older, but I’m talking in this current very successful format). When I began writing these blog posts and articles last year I never believed myself I would still be writing today about the same stuff, I thought I would quickly run out of steam and maybe become tired of it. This really isn’t the case though! I am more excited than ever to be part of this industry and joining the innovation train to success.

Happy Birthday to Us!

Apparently This is What My Cake is Meant to Look Like

Can I just mention that if my cake looks like this I will be happy… I suspect its squished though. Also I will be even happier if it had a Windows logo or the Google logo on it.
(this image was sent by a few people so i suspect it’s a wind-up …but I will take a pic of real cake later)

At this point I want to just thank everyone who has supported my efforts over the past year, all the people I annoyed the hell out of in an attempt to get things proof read (which didn’t always run smoothly) … those people I bore with details on the more complicated aspects of SEO, the freelancers I work with for everything they have done and continue to do for AK Designs. But most of all I want to thank you the reader, without your support this blog would be nothing, and AK Designs would have zero clients and wouldn’t be the on going success it is. So thank you.

Happy Birthday to Us!